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Welcome to Nashville Real Estate Rockstars. We love Nashville and we love real estate. You've come to the right place if you want to buy or sell real estate in Nashville. We're here to make it easy for you. We are your dream team, your rockstars for making the real estate buying and selling process not only more successful but also way more enjoyable. We'd love to work with you and help make your dreams a beautiful reality.

Hooray for May, the time when Irises, Tennesse’s state flowers are in their magnificent full bloom and when Mockingbirds, Tennessee’s state birds, are singing their love songs in the warm balmy temperatures.

It’s during spring when inventory of homes for sale is plentiful, but competition among buyers may cause prices to rise. Yes we are still in a seller’s market.

The median sold home price in greater Nashville is $493.2k for a Single Family Home, and $339k for a condo which is 1.6% increase from May 2023. There is a welcome uptick in inventory and the average days on the market is 52.

The Housing Affordability index has rated Tennessee as the 14th most affordable state, which is why there are still 80+ people moving to Nashville every day.

Reach out to me for help navigating Nashville real estate market for selling your home for the top price.  


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